I've been wanting to put more of myself into this blog lately and when I was trying to think of a post idea for today, I decided it'd be fun to start a weekly post where I write about five random things! I think it'll be a fun way to share articles I've read, books I'm loving, and other details that might not make it on to other posts. Here is my first Friday Five!

1. If you've had a conversation with me in the past few months, I've probably mentioned the book Learning to Fly by Steph Davis. It has had a huge impact on my life (I wrote more about that here) and I even wrote her a long e-mail that she published on her blog! It's personal, un-edited, and raw, but I'm glad she shared it and I really hope it helps other people who aren't natural-born adventurers feel encouraged. It feels pretty cool to have my words and photo published on her blog :)

2. I loved this article about Why Dogs Belong Off-Leash in the Outdoors! Charlie is a much better dog when he is off-leash, and our relationship is always stronger after a week of romping in the outdoors. "Off-leash, in the outdoors, Wiley is able to satisfy his curiosity, make new friends, explore his surroundings, and just generally be himself."


3. Have you guys heard of the Rising Tide Society? It's basically a huge community built by a few photographers that is centered around lifting each other up and encouraging fellow entrepreneurs! They celebrated their 1st birthday this week, but have already made a huge impact. If you're a creative, photographer, artist, wedding planner, or wanna-be entrepreneur, I suggest joining the Facebook group. They're so helpful! They also started #fridayintroductions on instagram, so definitely browse that hashtag to connect with some awesome people!

4. I read this article this week and really enjoyed it. It's written by Alex Honnold's mom and she gets pretty vulnerable giving her perspective on her son's high-consequence way of life. If you don't know who Alex Honnold is, watch this video first. "Alex, bless him, has always had the foresight, the understanding or consideration, never to tell me about his climbs before they happen."

Photo via Gear Junkie

Photo via Gear Junkie

5. Did you know that I have a separate instagram account for personal stuff and client work? I had gone back and forth for a long time about it, but as of right now, some of the photos I want to post just don't fit with our outdoor lifestyle stuff so I made this separate one. It's also nice to have a place for photos of us dressed up doing normal things, because we're not always hanging off of cliffs or watching the moon rise over desert towers :) But sometimes we jump out of airplanes: